Preparation, Guidelines for 2020 and many more things about AGM
After finalization of the accounts and account audit, AGM preparation can be start. Xerox copy of the final balance sheet should be circulated with the AGM agenda with all general body members. So they can check it and ask their questions to the MC according to accounts. As per Bye laws intimation of the Annual General Body Meeting should be informed or circulated along with the balance sheet should be before 14 days of the decided AGM date. The purpose is behind this that members can be properly aware and can plan their presence for this AGM.
The committee should decide the date, time and place for conducting the AGM and informed to the members.
Decide Agenda of the AGM
As per Bye laws some major points should be included in the agenda of the AGM as per following.
- To read and confirmed the minutes of the Last Annual General Body Meeting or Special General Body Meeting if any and note the action taken thereon.
- To receive from the committee the Annual Report of the activities on the proceeding co-operative year’s working, together with the statements of account along with income, expenditure and balance sheet of the closed year.
- To receive the Annual Rectification Report from the committee according to completed financial year.
- To appoint the Account and Statutory auditor for the next year
- To approve the membership of new incoming members and transfer of the flats.
- To place annual budget for the next financial year
- To discuss the other matters which may requires the decisions or sanction from the General Body Members.
- To consider any important communication received from the Registering Authority, the Statutory Auditor, Government, Collector, Local Authority or any other competent Authority.
- To consider any other matter with the permission of the Chair expecting those requiring proper notice, after the regular agenda over and which are permitted under the provisions of the Act, Rules & Bye Laws. Required Quorum for the meeting
The quorum for the AGM should be 2/3rd of the total number of members of the society. After presence of required quorum AGM can be start as per decided agenda. If there is no quorum as per requirement, meeting can be adjourned for half an hour and can start after availability of the required quorum.
Restrictions on attending and voting in the AGM
No proxy or holder of power of attorney or letter authority is eligible to attend the AGM behalf of the member of the society. Active Society member or associate member in the absence of the general member can attend the meeting. Incase both are present in the meeting only one member can vote for the decision.
Decisions of the meeting
After discussing the point based on the majority voting decision can be taken and resolution should be passed. If you need opinion of absent members to take the final decision, can share the options with the particular topic and ask for their opinion through the letter or digital media.
Recording of the minutes of the General Body Meeting
The committee should note down the decision which have been discussed in the AGM and finalize the minutes within 3 months of the date of the meeting and circulate the draft amongst all of the members of the society within 15 days of the finalization. Member can communicate with the committee for their observations if any on the drafted minutes within 15 days of the date of circulation. Committee should consider their observation in the minutes.
Cancellation of the previous resolution
No resolution can be passed if previous resolution has been passed for the same topic before
Less than 6 months.
Closing of the Financial year and new beginning
After approval of the minutes, previous financial year can be closed and submit the final copies to the Registrar office. After closing this year you may start the new beginning and work on the decisions which have been taken in the AGM.
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