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Clause 6.1 – Actions to address risk and opportunities

Risk and Opportunity

Life is the process of Risk and Opportunities; thus we cannot avoid this both things from our life. If we want to move ahead, want to do something better than current then risk is the part of your life. You cannot improve yourself without taking any risk. Quality Management System has been revised for version 2015 with this concept. Risk based thinking is essential for achieving as effective Quality Management System. Previously ‘Preventive Action’ was in the standard but It was replaced with ‘Risk Based Thinking’ concept. Forecasting of the risk will give time span to reduce the intensity and identify the opportunities.


When you are going to implement the Quality Management System in your organization, based on the identified internal and external issues and needs and expectations of the interested parties you should identify the potential or experienced risks. This practice is forecasting for your process. It will give alerts and show the symptoms of the potential risk.


“If you dare nothing,
then when the day is over,
nothing is all you will have gained.”

Clause no. 6.1 is based on the 4 points as following

  • Assurance of achievement of the Quality Management System

When you are going to start the implementation of the Quality Management System in your organization with some decided goals, some risks and opportunities can be entered in this whole process. But this is the part of particular process. Therefore identification of the potential risks can be help to identify the solutions.

When you are going to identify the risk or opportunities you need to identify controls which can assure that every time you can achieve your decided goals. E.g. Customer is your interested party and you have decided your monthly goal – ‘On time delivery of the material at customer end’ and suppose delay in the arrangement of the local transport or delivery by road is affecting as delay to deliver the material that is the identified risk. These risks can be potential or you have already experienced many times. But because of that you cannot change your goal therefore you have to identify the controls e.g. urgent material delivery by air or contract with the local transporter or purchasing the own vehicle for fast delivery of the material etc. These opportunities will reduce the impact of this risk and achieve your “on time delivery’ goal every month.

  • Enhancement of desirable effects

Once you have identified the risks, identify the impacts of that particular risk on your organization or your business to identify the effects. E.g.  If you will get fail to achieve your decided goal ‘on time delivery of the material at customer end’ frequently then the effect is ‘May customer will not give next order to you’ or ‘He may reduce the orders which can be easily get in the market’. Maybe you have not faced this type of situations, but standard is giving freedom to enhance the desirable effects to identify the proper risk of your business which will give you the clear picture and make alerts.

  • Prevention or can reduce the undesired effects

Based on the above two points you have identified the potential risks which can be impact on your interested parties and identified the controls at your end but after that particular current control risk is still on the medium level and can be create undesired effects on your business then it’s time to identify the opportunities as prevention which will reduce the risk. E.g. You are manufacturing some material in your factory as per customer requirement. You have decided some procedures or method which should be followed during the manufacturing. But if your manufacturing team is missed some steps to follow of the method then you will not get the desired results. In this condition product can be reject or can be take extra time for rectification. QMS is showing the undesired effects on your business, to avoid this you have to identify the prevention i.e. supervision during the process or checking the steps of the manufacturing method during the process. This practice will reduce the undesired effect and enhance the satisfaction.

  • Achieve an Improvement

Identified solutions needs to implement in your company / factory. Half commitment or ignorance cannot be work. Proper controls on the risks and frequently monitoring is essential to achieve the decided goals. This practice will achieve the improvement in the process and automatically achieve the expected results from your business.

6.1.2 – Actions to address the risk and opportunities

Integrate and implement the actions in to the Quality Management System. Corrective actions, control actions need to identify to reduce the risk which shall be part of the clause 4.4 as a Input – process – output of the particular process. Effectiveness of the implemented controls or corrective actions shall be evaluated frequently to check the effectiveness. You can use different types of the methods to identify the potential risks and opportunities.

When you are going to identify the situations or other things as Risk, the options can be ‘avoiding the risk, taking risk for any particular objective, sharing the risk or retaining the risk etc. and opportunities can implementation of the new ideas, new processes, launching new products or method, addressing new customer, using new technology to convert the present risk in to the opportunities.     






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Reval Vasu Hejmady

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